Thanks and regards,
Jose I. Mora
Mobile: (917) 566-0965 (business)
Mobile: (786) 351-2484 (personal)
Office: (973) 206-9473
Fax: (866) 476-0426
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jose Mora" <joseimora@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 18, 2009 5:36 pm
Subject: The Sounds of Your Future
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
[?]Dear Friends of Atzari,
I have a challenge for you. Blindfold me, and let me walk through your
workplace, and I will tell you if it will be there in a few years.
Actually, you can do this yourself. Walk around your operation and tell me
what you hear. You will find your "fortune" in the table below:
What Old School Sounds Like
(you may want to start updating your resume [?])
What New School Sounds Like
(I see a very good future for you [?])
We tried that before and it didn't work
The last time we tried that, we didn't consider "X." Let's look at this in
a different way
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
There is always a better way
The information is available on a "need-to-know" basis
You can't manage what you can't see
Everything is a priority
If everything is a priority, then nothing is. We must relentlessly focus on
the vital few and on our constraints
Multi-tasking is just a fact of life. That's just how long it takes, when
you have all these interruptions.
Let's focus and get this thing done
It really isn't a problem, just a nuisance
We don't live with problems. We prioritize and work to eliminate them.
We have to do it because the boss said so
Here is why this is the right thing to do...
We'll bring it up at the next meeting
Let's get this resolved right now
We need more space
What do we do with all this extra space?
We need more people
Is it okay for people to seem idle?
We need more tables, bins, hoppers, shelves, conveyors, etc.
What will we do with all these extra tables, bins, hoppers, shelves,
conveyors, etc.?
It finally works! Don't touch it!!!
If we don't understand our process window, and where it fails we don't know
what we're doing.
What can we do with the resources we have?
What will it take to get this done?
We've never had a problem, so why do we want to measure that now?
You can't manage what you can't measure
That's not my job
What do I need to do to resolve this?
No one has ever complained about our products
We need to actively engage our customers for how we can improve their
experience with our products
Larger lot sizes leverage set-up times and rejects
We must relentlessly expose and drive out defects and waste in our system
That's just how long it takes
How can we improve this?
We're not trying to be the best, just good enough
If we aren't the best in what we do, our customers will eventually find the
one who is
Where does it say we need to do that?
What else do we need to do to be world class?
I need to put a buffer at the end of each project step, just in case...
I need to move as quickly as possible to expose the unknowns in my
project. Time
is precious. I only have one buffer and that is for the entire project - I
must manage it like a bank account.
We need extra inventory just in case
Inventory hides defects and problems. We need to move product quickly
through the shop floor
Our FMEAs are a legal work product. We can't let anyone know if our product
might fail!
Our FMEAs are a vital tool for continuous improvement. We must be
transparent and strive to minimize or eliminate the major risks
Our customers are satisfied.
We must achieve intense customer loyalty and keep our customers excited
about using our products
Thanks and regards,
Jose I. Mora, Principal Consultant
Atzari Consulting, L.L.C.
Mobile: (917) 566-0965 (business)
Mobile: (786) 351-2484 (personal)
Office: (973) 206-9473
Fax: (866) 223-5813 (business)
Fax: (866) 476-0426 (personal)
jmora@atzari.com, joseimora@gmail.com